Real-time Drive
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Real-time drive
Drive route


YouTube is great for sharing Real-time drive videos, but not so great at letting us know the route of the drive. Real-time drive provides a quick way to check out real-time drives and then watch the video for the selected Real-time drive on YouTube.

Select a Real-time drive from the following drop-down list and then click Show Real-time drive to show the Real-time drive on the map. Below the map click on the Watch Real-time drive Video to watch the Real-time drive video on YouTube.


Select Real-time drive from list



What started with me taking short videos of red light and speed cameras around Melbourne evolved into taking longer videos as I could afford better technology. The longer videos then became real-time drives. My thought was to watch the real-time drives later whilst riding on an exercise bike. I enjoy taking the videos and I hope you enjoy watching the too.

Using Real-time drive

Real-time drive starts and displays the latest real-time your location. Select a Real-time drive from the list and click Show Real-time drive to show the route for the Real-time drive. The read-time drive is centred on the map. Zoom in and out to see the level of detail you require.

After selecting a Real-time drive and clicking Show Real-time drive a link to the Real-time drive video will appear below the map. Click on the link to watch the video in YouTube.

The red line is the Real-time drive route which is displayed when you select a Real-time drive using the list above and then click Show Real-time drive. The real-time drive is centred on the map.

  • Use the zoom in and zoom out buttons to zoom in or out of the map. You can also zoom in and out using a pinching motion on your touch screen.

  • Reposition the map by dragging the map with your mouse or finger.

  • Click/press on the Real-time drive route and the video start time will change to near where you've pressed.

  • If you've been watching the video of a Real-time drive and would like to check the location, note the time on the video and then click on the Real-time drive route until the video start time is near the time in the video.

  • NOTE: YouTube often starts videos on a lower quality a then adjusts. To get around this perhaps start the video around a minute before the section you're interested in. Rewind if necessary.

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